Visit and download the Publior App, or search for it in the corresponding store on your device.
If you are a new user tap Register New User.
Complete the registration form.
Select a username in email format. It is not necessary to use your real email for a username.
Select your status (f.e. student) and fill in your contact email. This time, you are required to use a valid email address.
After making sure you have entered your email address correctly, click the Send me a confirmation code button. This ensures that you are the owner of the contact email you entered.
Open your email, copy the code you received and enter it in the Confirmation Code field.
Read the terms of use. If you are under 16 years of age, register only in the presence of your guardian.
Click OK.
Congratulations! Your account has been created. You will automatically be transferred to the home page where you can log in to the app.
Remark: If you register as a teacher, you will be immediately asked whether you wish to create a free or subscription account.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Question: I downloaded the application but I can’t open it on my computer.
Answer: Find the application in your browser downloads. Check if your computer’s antivirus has quarantined the application. If so, restore the application.
Question: I can’t find the app in my device’s store.
Answer: The app is either not available in your country or not available for your device. Please email us at indicating the country from which you are trying to download it, as well as your device’s features and software.
Question: The username (in email format) that I chose for my registration is not accepted.
Answer: Some usernames are already in use. Please select another username (in email format). Please note that the username does not change after registration.
Question: I am not receiving an email with my confirmation code and, therefore, cannot complete my registration.
Answer: 1. Make sure you have entered a valid email address. 2. Check your spam folder in your emails. 3. Wait 15 minutes to check for a new email before clicking Send Confirmation Code again. If you are using a custom email address (institutional or corporate), you should contact the IT department and request that emails from be allowed. Alternative quick fix: use a different email address.