1.5 Performing exercises for self-assessment, comprehension, and memorisation

In most activated books you will find interactive exercises of many different types. You can repeat an exercise as many times as you wish and optionally click on the display of solutions. Inside the books, you will find a selection of exercises for self-assessment, learning vocabulary, and memorising terms and rules. Tools for enlarging and changing fonts can be found to the right of each exercise. Special virtual keyboards for math or ancient Greek for fill-in-the-blank exercises are available.

Functions are regularly added or improved for the convenience of users. For example, in the “drag and drop” exercises, the click-and-drop function was added instead of dragging the selection to the drop field. This serves smaller devices (small tablets and mobile phones) where the drop field is too far outside the usable screen space.

Each time an exercise is performed the performance is recorded in history.

Tapping on the statistics iconyou access your history. The green values refer to the results of all the efforts you made in the self-assessment exercises. If you receive assignments from a teacher, the performance is recorded in blue. In the statistics, you can see how many times you have performed an exercise, its score, whether or not you clicked on the solutions, how long it took you to complete it, and other useful information.


There are types of exercises that are difficult to perform on mobile devices due to the small screen size. These are usually image-based exercises whose size is reduced to fit on the user’s screen.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Question: The exercise does not open.
Answer: Close the book and the application. Once you log in to the app again, refresh your screen by tapping the Publior logo at the top right of your screen. Try to open the exercise again. In case it fails; if the exercise comes from a purchased book, email support@publior.com with the title of the book, page number, exercise number, and your device type, or if the exercise comes from a teacher’s notebook, let your teacher know.

Question: I don’t wish to see the solutions to the exercises.
Answer: You can set the display of solutions from the settings in the submenu of each open book. If the teacher is connected with a student through a book, then the first can hide or display the solutions to the lateral.