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3.4 Teaching cards (PowerPoint-like presentations)

Teaching cards are an invaluable tool for presenting the material taught in the physical or digital classroom.



Clickon the home page’s top-right menu to enter your Authoring Tool . Tap the Pencil on the cover of the notebook to which you wish to add a presentation. Tap the  icon on the chapter’s title you wish to add the material to. Select Add Teaching Cards.

Enter a title and click Open Block above the Basic Content field. Drag (from right to left) within the field as many slides as you wish. Fill each slide with the desired content; exercises, maps, photos, etc.

Once you complete the presentation, click Save.



Elements added outside the slide’s frame, will not be displayed correctly.


The app provides you with several useful automations:

– Input from other presentations: Tap the icon to enter a series of photos (numbered 01,02,03…) to automatically create a presentation.

– Present content with viewing effects: If you want each image within the slide to slowly clear up as you present it, then click on the image, and in the classes field (right side) type one of the following:




Where xxxx write blur or pixelate or diffuse, depending on the effect you wish to add.

– Display the content of a slide progressively: If you enter a text that you want to display in fragments within the slide, mark the text and select the “fade up paragraph fragment” style from the menu. The text will be displayed in fragments within the slide when you click the arrow for the next one.

– Display content by word or line: If you enter a text that you want to display fragmented by word or by line, select the corresponding modes in the style menu. The text starts to be displayed two seconds after the slide in which it is contained is displayed.

– View content through live streaming: If you wish to view your presentation live via a browser without having to share your screen, click on the Launch Live Lesson function and give your students the web address (link) that was automatically created. The browser view has additional practical settings for the view administrator. The presentation can remain online for your students until you uncheck the Live Lesson option. In such instances, you can activate the free browsing option for students by checking the Allow option in the Viewer slide navigation. This option allows students to navigate freely as opposed to following the administrator’s navigation.